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Senin, 30 September 2013

English Assessment : Scholarship Announcement


We refer to the grant money offered directly by the Institute as an MIT scholarship even though we award it based solely on financial need. MIT provided 78 percent of all aid to its undergraduates in 2011-2012. Of this MIT financial aid, 93 percent took the form of scholarships, less than1 percent was loans, and about 7 percent employment. The average amount of MIT scholarship per recipient in 2011-2012 was $32,917.

Getting a scholarship

If you’re interested in receiving an MIT scholarship for undergraduate study, you need to apply for MIT financial aid each year. MIT awards all undergraduate financial aid on the basis of your family’s financial need, so if you qualify for financial aid, you’ll automatically be considered for an MIT scholarship. Undergraduates are eligible to receive a scholarship in an amount up to the price minus the sum of theexpected family contribution and the self-help level.

Where the money comes from

MIT scholarships come from two sources – charitable gifts to MIT, and Institute funds that can be spent on any purpose. Individuals including alumni give us funds for undergraduate scholarships; we invest them as part of MIT’s endowment so we can help undergraduates for generations to come.We currently have more than 1,000 of these endowed and gift funds.

After you receive an MIT scholarship

If you receive an MIT scholarship as part of your financial aid package, you must submit an annual Student Information Review Form online to provide us information about your background, interests, and experiences. This form is available online through WebSIS under the "For Students" section in "Financial Record." While MIT Scholarships are awarded only to students with financial need, some funds carry additional award criteria as specified by the donors. The Student Information Review Form helps us determine if you match any of the donor funds that have specific preferences or conditions. The information that you share enables us to show donors the impact of their generosity. For many students with financial need, their MIT Scholarships may be comprised of several donor funds, some with preferences and some without, as well as money from general MIT funds.
Also using WebSIS, you can see the name of every fund that has contributed to your scholarship total – and each name has a link to a web page that includes some biographical information about the fund and the donor, whenever available. Almost half of our 1000 funds are actively stewarded, meaning there is a living donor or family member associated with the fund. Many of these donors appreciate receiving news about you. So if you're on the receiving end of a donor's generosity, we may ask you to make a personal connection by writing your donor to share your experiences as an MIT undergraduate and thank them for their support. It's your chance to stand out from the crowd, and our donors take a genuine interest in getting to know you. Our hope is that someday you'll join the community of MIT donors who make this generous undergraduate scholarship program possible.

Questions :

1.  How much is the average amount of MIT scholarship recipient in 2011 - 2012 ?

2.  What will you do if you were interested in receiving MIT scholarship for undergraduate ?
3.  Where MIT scholarship come from ?
4.  Where can we find Student Information Review Form online ?
5.  What can we do using WebSis ?
6.  What is the meaning of word stewarded ? (Last Paragraph)
7.  How MIT awards its undergraduated financial aid ?
8.  How The Student Information Review Form help MIT ?
9.  What should we do if we get MIT scholarsip as part of our financial package ?
10. Who make's this generous undergraduate scholarship program possible ?

Announcement Source :
Image Source:

Rabu, 18 September 2013

English Assessment : Elements in Short Stories and Summary of The Short Stories

Summary :

         Roger want to eat at a restaurant. After he sit at the restaurant, a women approach him. She introduced herself as Barbara. She pointed at her husband, a guy in a wheelchair, and she said to Roger that her husband name is Tony. Roger confused because he didnt know the guy. After awhile, he remember the name Tony the Bull. He is the guy that always bullies him in high school. Now, Tony use a wheelchair to move and much more thinner. He is very different from the guy that Roger remember. When Tony and his wife go to their van, Roger help Tony to get in to the car. After that, Roger and Tony become a friend.

1. Characters : Well, there are 3 characters in this short stories. They are Roger, Barbara, and Tony. Roger is a forgiving guy and kind man. I think Barbara is a faithful wife for Tony, because even though Tony now must move in wheelchair she keep be there at his side. Now for Tony, i think Tony is a kind man, even thought he likes to bully people at high school but now he seems to regret it.

2. Setting : This story happen in Huddle House restaurant at Brunswick, Georgia.

3. Plot : Roger wants to eat breakfast at Huddle House restaurant. In that restaurant he got approached by a woman name Barbara that tell him her name and her husband name, Tony. At first, Roger did not remember the name. After he racking his brain to try to remember the guy name Tony, at last he remember. He remember him as Tony the Bull the guy that used to bully him in high school. Tony now use a wheelchair to move and look much more thinner. Then, when Tony have a problem when he want to get to the car, Roger help him get into his car. Then, Roger and Tony become a friend.

4. What this stories want to tell readers ? This story want us to be a forgiving people and do not do something bad to other people cause everything we do is going to come back at us.

Jumat, 13 September 2013

English Assessment : Short Stories

The Bully by Roger Dean Kiser

I walked into the Huddle House restaurant in Brunswick, Georgia and sat down at the counter as all of the booths were taken. I picked up a menu and began to look at the various items trying to decide if I wanted to order breakfast or just go ahead and eat lunch.
     "Excuse me," said someone, as they touched me on the shoulder.
     I looked up and turned to the side to see a rather nice looking woman standing before me.
     "Is your name Roger by any chance?" she asked me.
     "Yes." I responded, looking rather confused as I had never seen the woman before.
     "My name is Barbara and my husband is Tony," she said, pointing to a distant table near the door leading into the bathrooms.
     I looked in the direction that she was pointing but I did not recognize the man who was sitting, alone at the table.
     "I'm sorry. I'm, ah. I'm ah, confused. I don't think that I know you guys. But my name is Roger. Roger Kiser," I told her.
     "Tony Claxton. Tony from Landon High School in Jacksonville, Florida?" she asked me.
     "I'm really sorry. The name doesn't ring a bell." I said.
     She turned and walked back to her table and sat down. She and her husband immediately began talking and once in a while I would see her turn around in her seat and look directly at me.
     I finally decided to order breakfast and a cup of decaffeinated coffee. I sat there continually racking my brain trying to remember who this Tony guy was.
     "I must know him," I though to myself. "He recognizes me for some reason." I picked up my coffee up and took a sip. All of a sudden it came to me like a flash of lighting.
     "Tony. TONY THE BULL." I mumbled, as I swung myself around on my stool and faced in his direction.
     "The bully of my seventh grade geography class," I thought.
     How many times that sorry guy had made fun of my big ears in front of the girls in my class? How many times this sorry son-of-a-gun had laughed at me because I had no parents and had to live in an orphanage? How many times this big bully slammed me up against the lockers in the hallway just to make himself look like a big man to all the other students?
     He raised his hand and waved at me. I smiled, returned the wave and turned back around and began to eat my breakfast.
     "Jesus. He's so thin now. Not the big burley guy that I remember from back in 1957," I thought to myself.
     All of a sudden I heard the sound of dishes breaking so I spun around to see what had happened. Tony had accidentally hit several plates knocking them off the table as he was trying to get into his wheelchair which had been parked in the bathroom hallway while they were eating. The waitress ran over and started picking up the broken dishes and I listened as Tony and his wife tried to apologize.
     As Tony rolled by me, being pushed by his wife, I looked up and I smiled.
     "Roger" he said, as he nodded his head forward.
     "Tony" I responded, as I nodded my head, in return.
     I watched as they went out of the door and slowly made their way to a large van which had a wheelchair loader located in the side door of the vehicle.
     I sat and watched as his wife tried, over and over, to get the ramp to come down. But it just would not work. Finally I got up, paid for my meal, and I walked up to the van.
     "What's the problem?" I asked.
     "Darn thing sticks once in a while," said Tony. "Could you help me get him in the van?" asked his wife.
     "I think I can do that," I said as I grabbed the wheelchair and rolled Tony over to the passenger door.
     I opened the door and locked the brakes on the wheelchair.
     "OK. Arms around the neck Dude," I said as I reached down and grabbed him around the waist and carefully raised him up into the passenger seat of the van.
     As Tony let go of my neck I reached over and swung his limp, lifeless legs, one at a time, into the van so that they would be stationed directly in front of him.
     "You remember. Don't you?" he said, looking directly into my eyes.
     "I remember, Tony," I said.
     "I guess you're thinking 'What goes around comes around'," he said, softly.
     "I would never think like that, Tony," I said, with a stern look on my face.
     He reached over and grabbed both of my hands and squeezed them tightly.
     "Is how I feel in this wheelchair how you felt way back then when you lived in the orphan home?" he asked me.
     "Almost, Tony. You are very lucky. You have someone to push you around who loves you. I didn't have anyone." I responded.
     I reached in my pocket and pulled out one of my cards that had my home telephone number written on it and I handed it to him.
     "Give me a call sometimes. We'll do lunch," I told him. We both laughed.
     I stood there watching as they drove toward the interstate and finally disappeared onto the southbound ramp. I hope he calls me sometime. He will be the only friend that I have from my high school days.
 Source :

Kamis, 12 September 2013

English Assessment : About Me

Hi guys, my name is Rayhan Ahmad Hidayat. My friends usually call me Ray or Rayhan. Right now i'm 15 years old. I was born in Surabaya on November, 13th 1998. Right now im studying at 3 National Senior Highschool in Bandung at Belitung Street Number 8.

My father name is Agus Edi Prakosa, he works at Indosat in Jakarta. My mother name is Hikmawati, she is a pharmacist. They always care for my since i was a baby. I am the second child out of three and i'm the only son in my family. I have one older sister and one younger sister. My older sister name is Astrid Amalia and she still studying at Labschool Kebayoran Senior Highschool in Jakarta. My younger sister is still 4 years old.

My hobby is playing games in my computer or console, reading novel, bycycling, and finally basketball. Talking about my weakness and strong point, i think my strong point is i can still stay thinking positive even in bad time. My weakness is i easily forget something. Sometimes i always forgot somethink even i already told by other people.

Well that's all about me. Hope you guys will know more about me with this. Sorry if my english bad at some point. Bye guys.

Senin, 09 September 2013

English Assessment : Echidna

Echidna (Spiny Anteaters) :

   - Have a coarse hair and spines like a hedgehog
   - Have a beak use for eat ( usually eat ant and termites)
   - Have a sharp claw use for digging a defensive burrow

2.Unique Things About Echidna
   - Echidna is the only living mammal along with platypus that still lay eggs
3.What I Learn
   - There's still live mammal that still lay eggs
   - We must learn to preserve unique animals so they will not disappear from this world

 Image Source :