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Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Technological Evolution Has Become A Bad Influence For The People

        People invented technology to help them do their daily activities and today technology has become a part of human live. Throughout the years, technology has evolved to be what it is today. In the old times there are only a telegraph that can only send message, a steam engine that start the industrial evolution, and the calculator that can help us calculate. Today, all of that technology has evolved. Today, we have a smartphone that can send voice to other gadget, a car that can help us get to other place faster, an internet that connect us to the world, and a computer that can help us do our work. People always try to evolve the technology to help other us in doing our job and make our daily lives easier. But the truth is, not all of the technological evolution is good for people. For some reason, some of the technological evolution has become a bad influence for the people.
        We can take the gadget evolution as the first reason of why the technological advancement is bad for human. In the old times, we use gadget to connect with other people that far from use and we use it for that purpose only. But right now, because gadget had evolved and enable us to do many things other than communicating, people got too occupied with their own gadget and almost forget the people around them and things that happen around them. A lot of people, especially younger people, seems to think that gadget is more important than other things that affect their relationship to other people. We can take an example of when we meet our family in one of the holiday. The best thing to do is use that time to communicate with their family to know their condition in the year, but some people use that time to play with their gadget and didn’t even try to talk to their family in that time. Or when our neighborhood made some event to commemorate something, some of us didn’t use this event to know more about people that lives around them, they just too occupied with their own gadget to care about things like that. This is what happen right now to the people in the world when the gadget evolved to be what it is right now. People has become ignorant to the people around them.
Another reason that we can use is the evolution of the internet. It is true that the internet can connect us to the world and enable us to communicate to other people in other places with a social media. Because of that internet should be a good influence for people right? But in their practice internet has become a bad influence for people especially younger people. There are many reason why internet is bad for people. The first one is cyber bullying. This has already happened to the young people around the world since the social media came out, and it has been the main problem in the internet that makes a lot of young people committed suicide around the world. The second example is the children doing thing that they see in the internet even though it is bad or even dangerous. We can take the old incident of when some children died because they attempted to do some move that they saw from the internet. When they asked to why they do it, they say that because it seems fun to do and the move is awesome. Or when the children start to use swear words in their conversation even though they didn’t know what it means. They know it because they hear it from the internet and they thought that it seems cool so they use it in daily conversation.
The main reason why technological evolution is bad for people is because it makes us more dependent on them to do our daily activities. Of course we evolve technologies for that purpose, to help people do their daily activities easier, but it makes us more dependent on the technologies that help us in our daily life.  If we lose our cellphone, we will feel if the world is devoid of life. We will feel that we are disconnected from the world around us. It all happen because we lose our cellphone that has help us in our daily lives. Or when we didn’t have a car that can help us go to other place faster. We will feel as if all places is far from us, even though it isn’t. It happened because we are too dependent on car to help us go to one place to the other. Or when suddenly we lose the internet. We will feel as if the world has been cut off from us, and it all happen because the internet is not working when we want to use it. The example above is what happened when people lose the technology in this era. We will feel that some part of our life is lost because the technology that help us connect to it or help us do it is lost from our grasp. This happen because we become too dependent on the technology that help us today, and it has become a bad thing for us.
The reason in the paragraph above show us the reason why technological evolution is bad for people. It has become a bad influence for people because they cannot divide the technology from their activities. Because they have used the technology since their early lives, they get more dependent on the technology, as the times goes on, to do their daily activities. They let the technology dictate how they do something, and sometimes they get too immerse in the technology that they forgot the reality that moves around them. That makes the technological evolution to be a bad influence for the people that use it. The main problem of why the technology has become a bad influence for the people is because the people that use it didn’t know how to use the technology as the way it mean to be. Even though the technology is made with the good intention, when people use it in a bad way it will be bad influence for them. Like the gadget, gadget is made so people can communicate to other people that is far from them, but when the people get too immerse to the gadget they tend to forget the people around them whether it’s their families or their friend.  Because of that we need to use the technology in the way that it mean to be so the technologies will not be a bad influence for the people that using it and we cannot let the technology dictate how we do things. Remember, people invented the technology not the technology that invented people.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

Why The Movie Adaptation Sometimes Fail To Be A Blockbuster Movie

There is a quote by Stephen King which is, “Book and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit but taste completely different.” That means reading a novel will feel completely different from watching the movie. Even if the novel and the movie have a same story, they will feel completely different from each other. We can see that even though the novel is one of the bestseller novel and has won many awards, when they make a movie adaptation of it, usually it failed to be one of the blockbuster film of its era. There are some reason of why this is usually happen to the movie adaptation.
               We can use the Percy Jackson story as an example. Even though the Percy Jackson novel is a successful novel, one of the New York bestseller and has won many awards, when the movie adaptation came out it didn’t have a very good reception like the novel. It’s not that the movie is bad, the truth is the movie itself is good one, but as a reader of the novel I feel that something is missing when I have watched the movie till the end. I think there is a few reason of why this happen. The first one is, where and how the story take place. In the novel, the writer try to explain the story goes by words, that makes the reader use their imagination to make their own place of where the story happen, what the character looks like and how the Percy Jackson story goes. But in the movie we can’t do it like that. We can only watch what the director or the producer imagine and sometimes it is very different from the reader imagination. They also have the limitation of the technology, so sometimes they can’t make the world like in our imagination.  That makes me feel that something is missing from the movie.
               The second reason is the Percy Jackson movie has changed some of its story from the novel. Like in the Lightning Thief. In the novel they have the story of where Ares, The God of War, command Percy to take his shield from the Hephaestus, The God of Blacksmith, traps. Or when Percy is fighting Ares after Percy finally escape from the Underworld. The first movie didn’t have that story. In the second movie, when Percy is fighting Cronus, where the fight takes place and how the fight goes is very different from how the novel portray it. That makes me feel that the story is very different and feel disappointed that they didn’t do some of the story and change some of the story.

               The reason stated above is some of the reason why a movie adaptation usually failed to be one of the blockbuster movie. The way that the movie portray of how the story goes is very different from what the reader imagine. It sometimes makes the movie failed to meet the reader expectation. Sometimes it makes the reader feel a bit disappointed. Of course not all of the reader feel this way, but I’m one of the reader that feel a bit disappointed about it. But, not all of the movie adaptation didn’t have a good reception likes its novel. The movie Harry Potter, The Godfather, The Lord of The Rings, Narnia, and The Shawshank Redemption are some of the example of a successful movie adaptation of a novel. Each of them have become a successful film and some of them have become a blockbuster film on its era. 

Minggu, 01 November 2015

The Chosen One

              The Chosen One, usually known as The One, is not an ordinary protagonist or hero. He/She is usually chosen by someone or something or a prophecy to do a great thing. Usually, in the movie, the great thing is to defeat a great evil in their world. We can use the Star Wars movie protagonist, Anakin Skywalker, as an example of The Chosen One. Anakin Skywalker is a boy that the Jedi foresaw, through a prophecy, to be the one that will destroy the Jedi greatest enemy, The Sith. Even though Anakin has passed the maximum age to be trained as a Jedi, the Jedi Council still allow him to be trained because of the prophecies. Because Anakin has been tricked by The Sith, he have fallen to the dark side. But, in the last movie, he have a change of heart and sacrifice himself in order to destroy The Sith. With that he has fullfill his role, like the prophecies said, to destroy The Sith.

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Reason Villain Is Used In Movies

          Villain characters is used in movies due to many reason. Among the reasons, there are three main reasons why villain is used in movies. The first one is to make the movies more interesting to watch. Superhero movies, like Batman or Superman, mainly used villain for this reason. Batman movies without a villain will just be a normal crime fighting movies. That is why Batman movies need a good villain, like Joker, to make the movies more interesting and different from the normal crime fighting movies. The next reason is to make the viewer more sympathetic towards the main character or protagonist, like in Harry Potter movies. In the movies, Harry Potter parents was killed by the main villain, Voldemort, when Harry was still a baby. After that, Harry's life is full of danger because Voldemort wants to kill him. This makes the viewer feel more sympathetic towards Harry, the main character. The third reason is to make an interesting stories like in the Despicable Me movie. The main character, Gru, is actually a villain character that loves to do a despicable thing. At first, he wants to manipulate the children from orphanage to do what he wants, but he is touched by the personality of the children that he changed himself to be a good guy. But not all movies need a villain in it. Some movies types, like biography movies and documentary movies, did not need a villain because the movie is made to give more knowledge to the viewer.

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog everyone. Maybe you guys have a question like this. Why do you say welcome to my blog even though you already post a lot of thing before ? Well, lets just say i want to start anew and this post is the first thing that come to my mind. Like the first post in the blog i will introduce myself, the author of this blog. Well, my name is Rayhan Ahmad Hidayat, but people usually call me Rayhan. I'm a simple man living with my family in Indonesia. I like reading, biking, and of course playing games. Right now i'm an university student in Bandung Institute of Technology.

Now about this blog, mainly i use this blog for educational purpose. So, i will post a lot of educational thing in this blog. But sometimes,if i have time, i will post something other than educational purpose like my experience traveling to other country, traveling to a famous spot, a good place to eat and drink, and my own personal experience. Well thats it about this blog and myself, have fun checking my blog everybody.